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Fired from Freelancing: How I Learned to Write for Who Matters (Part 2)

The hours I put into Verblio were countless, and the thought of starting over was overwhelming. But I continued to write with the same dedication and passion, and as I continued to take on new projects,

I discovered that my real value as a writer wasn't in conforming to the demands of a platform, but in creating content that truly resonated with readers.

And so, I pressed on, seeking out new challenges and embracing the freedom that came with actually being my own boss.

I began to build direct connections with my readers through my own website and various social media platforms. No longer was I confined to guessing what was a specific client's expectations or wondering how readers responded to what I had written. I had the freedom to take charge of my own career and establish my unique brand as a freelance writer.

A unique brand drawing from my background in graphic design, I took my storytelling abilities to new heights by creating custom images for each of my articles.

These one-of-a-kind visuals not only enhanced my ability to convey ideas but also allowed my work to stand out as uniquely mine.

No longer forbidden to ask questions or network on my own, I built up the courage to attend a press conference that would announce the beginning of America250, a monumental project that aimed to be the largest and most diverse collection of stories ever created.

(You can read all about that amazing experience here.)


Being cut off from the freelancing platform that I poured so much time and effort into was a devastating blow. However, it allowed me to step back and really think about the kind of work I wanted to do and who I wanted to do it for.

Instead of trying to please everyone and take any job that came my way, I began to focus on writing for clients and audiences that aligned with my values and interests.

This shift in mindset has not only made my work more enjoyable but also more meaningful and fulfilling. I started to research companies and clients that I felt a personal connection to and that I truly believed in.

NewsBreak has allowed me to continue to make money for writing but with the freedom to choose topics that were important to me and also interested me.

Overall, getting cut off from the freelancing platform was a painful experience, but it was also a necessary one.

It forced me to reflect on my values and priorities and to be intentional about the work that I took on. As a result, I am finding new opportunities that are so fulfilling, and for the first time in a while-- maybe in my life-- I feel confident and empowered.

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